Why did you choose this specific age group?

self and society class-
Throughout the semester you will learn the basics of the sociologically study of the self,
including concepts, theories, and key terms. You will critically examine the process of stigma
management. For the purpose of this assignment, your job will be to combine your knowledge,
taking various aspects of the course into consideration.
This project consists of:
3 page paper
This project is designed to
show mastery of interactional theories and application of sociology to the real world.
The Paper
Your paper should be at least 3 full pages in length. Standard formatting applies: 1-inch margins,
Times New Roman, 12-font and double-spaced.
Your paper should be broken down into the following parts.
 Introduction—Identify a real-world problem related to the sociological concept of stigma
management that current children’s books are not addressing.
 Background—Include a discussion of stigma management using theories, concepts and
readings from the course. You must cite and engage with at least THREE of the assigned
readings in modules 4 and 5.
Look up readings:
moduel 4-
-“the presentation of self in everyday life” by eving goffman
-“The girl hunt” David Grazian
-“The gloried self” by patricia adler and peter adler
module 5-
-“Red geads as deviant types” by druann maria heckert and amy best
-“The social construction of drug scares” by craig reinarman
-” the mark of criminal record” by david pager
-” wheelchair users interpersonal management of emotions” by spencer e cahill and robin eggleston
-“being middle eastern American: identity negotiation in the context of the war on terror” bg amir marvasti
▪ How do the course readings help us understand
how stigma or emotions are learned and
understood today? On an individual/interactional level?
▪ You must be thorough and complete in your answer. This means you must cite the
authors as support for your argument. Use key terms and concepts where applicable.
When using a key term, make sure you define it using the exact definitions from
PowerPoints or readings. Show me you know what you are talking about and can explain
these concepts.
 Additional Body Paragraphs—Tie everything together!
o Briefly describe the premise and storyline of your book. Why did you choose this
specific age group? How does your book address sociological issues that are vital
to children of your particular age group?
o How does your book supplement what we teach children on an individual and
intuitional level? How is your book beneficial to the educational system and
 Conclusion—What might be the benefit of teaching the sociological perspective in public
schools? How can we encourage greater educational awareness?

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