When you complete any course writing assignments, be sure to clarify all key course assignment polices found in the syllabus.

Step 1: Verify Infographic Requirements
(Refer to attachment)
Step 2: Prepare Your Infographic for Submission
Review Course Assignment Policies
When you complete any course writing assignments, be sure to clarify all key course assignment polices found in the syllabus. Specifically,
Minimum Standards Policy
Assignment Submissions Policy
Academic Integrity Policy
Step 3: Clarify Infographic Grading
This infographic will be graded using the following categories
Information Processing & Learning Theory Scope, Quality & Application (CO2, CO3) – 40 Points
Identification of Student Learning Needs and Learning, Information or Cognitive Process (CO1, CO2, CO4, CO6)- 40 Points
Format, Academic Integrity, & Writing Quality – 20 Points
Normally, it takes the instructor a few days to grade a course writing assignment. Once an assignment is graded, you will see a general class announcement. Instructor feedback will comment on how well you completed the assignment and met course learning objectives. Via Grades, you can return to the assignment box, you should see
Text Comments with Audio Files.
Annotated Boxes on the actual document that comment on the content and learning connections made.
A completed grading rubric.
Apply APA Documentation
The documentation format and style used in education is APA. All student assignments and course reference citations reflect and model APA Style. To explore documentation,

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