What was the purpose in the letter, and how was it constructed?

Blog #5
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For this week’s discussion blog, please answer the following questions:
1. Based on this week and last week’s materials, provide a brief overview of how Indian Removal plans/policies emerged. Next, briefly discuss how Native Nations in the southeast attempt to resist forced removal.
2. Next, analyze Andrew Jackson’s Second Annual Message. Who is his intended audience in this speech, and what are his goals regarding US dealings with American Indian tribes? How would you describe the overall language/tone Jackson uses? What stood out to you? Please use quotes from the speeches to illustrate your points.
3. After, please analyze Andrew Jackson’s” Letter to the Cherokee”. Who was Jackson’s intended audience? What was the purpose in the letter, and how was it constructed? How would you describe the overall language/tone used in the letter? What were some key quotes/parts that stood out to you, and why?
4. Compare/contrast the tone, word choice, and/or rhetorical strategies used in Jackson’s Second Annual Message compared to Jackson’s “Letter to the Cherokee.” How do these primary sources reflect the historical context of the time period?
5. Lastly, please reflect on this week’s materials overall. What resonated with you, and why? How do this week’s materials build off of our previous materials?
Don’t forget that your original post should reach the 400 minimum word requirement, and remember to also post a response of at least 200 words to a peer!

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