What are the tetracycline resistance mechanisms?

What are the tetracycline resistance mechanisms?
Please write briefly about the resistance mechanisms of tetracycline. there 3 main mechanisms of resistance
1. Tetracycline-Specific Ribosomal Protection, explain the mechanisms and which bacteria this mechanism could happen (300 words) – 2-3 refrernces
2. Tetracycline-Specific Efflux: explain this mechanism of resistance and mention which bacteria this mechanism could happen. And mention tet(K) and how it is linked to the efflux pump (300 words). 2 – 3 references
3. Enzymatic Inactivation of Tetracyclines: describe the mechanism and mention which bacterial strains this mechanism could happen and how (300 words) 2- 3 refrernces
Please use peer-reviewed articles and studies.

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