Unit 3a: swing bands

Unit 3A: Swing Bands
MUS-112-801N-2022FA-Introduction to Jazz
Unit 3A: Swing Bands
Chapter: Swing Bands
Fletcher Henderson, “Blue Lou”
Benny Goodman, “King Porter Stomp”
Artie Shaw, “Stardust”
Use the concepts covered in the unit reading to guide your listening for the listening response assignment below. The listenings for this unit illustrate the concepts that the readings discuss.
Both the reading and selected examples from the listening will be covered on the quiz at the end of this module.
Swing Bands Chapter Outline – Alternative Formats
Chapter Outline Source
Use this chapter outline as a study reference for the unit reading, the assignment below, and the module quiz.
Edited from:
DeVeaux, Scott and Gary Giddins. “Swing Bands.” Jazz: Essential Listening 2nd edition Digital Resources. https://digital.wwnorton.com/jazz2ess (retrieved April 29, 2021).
Unit 3A Listening Response
The three examples all make use of improvisation as well as arranged (non-improvised) sections. Pick two of these pieces and compare (based primarily on your own listening) their use of arranged sections and improvisation. Your response must be at least 250 words for full credit. The following document file types are acceptable: .doc, .docx, .txt, or .rtf.
This Listening Response addresses MLO 3 and 4.
***PLEASE NOTE*** My professor stated “ Be careful of direct quotation–You’re welcome to use the text to help you write this and can quote from it, but you should not use verbatim quotes from the text as a replacement for your own writing about the music.” Thanksbci!! He said the papers have been great!

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