Summarize your overall findings and the top three areas you will choose to focus on over the course of the next year to have more effective communication and be better able to adapt to differences.

InstructionsUnderstanding yourself, as well as others, aids in learning how to adapt to differences. We can develop better conflict management skills and more effective communication habits when we understand our own perspectives and learn to respect and adapt to others’ social, cultural, and generational differences.
For this unit assignment, you will reflect on your own social styles in a written paper. Follow the steps below.
Take the “Identifying Social Style” inventory in section 5.1.1 of your eTextbook. my score was 55. see the attached scoring guide
Summarize your results from your personal inventory.
Share your results with a family member or friend. Compare and contrast their perceptions with your own as you explain what this activity revealed to you about yourself.
Assess your results with the Style Flexing Guidelines for Enhancing Communication Effectiveness in section 5.1.2 of your eTextbook. Using your results, evaluate what steps you would need to take in each area to increase your communication effectiveness. THIS IS ATTACHED
Describe how your social style affects your ability as a leader to adapt to cultural differences.
What generational and gender areas do you feel you need to address to improve your communication skills?
Summarize your overall findings and the top three areas you will choose to focus on over the course of the next year to have more effective communication and be better able to adapt to differences.
Your case study must be a minimum of four pages, not including the title or reference pages. You must use two resources, not including the textbook, to support your case study. All sources used must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style. APA formatting is otherwise not necessary.
CriteriaAchievement Level
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Analysis(40 points)
0 – 23Presents an account containing little analysis or relevant argument; interpretation is not well supported. Course concepts and analytical tools are not applied appropriately.24 – 27Presents an account that is descriptive but contains little analysis or relevant arguments; interpretation is not well supported. Course concepts and analytical tools are not applied appropriately.28 – 31Presents an analysis containing relevant arguments; interpretation is not thoroughly supported and not compelling. Course concepts and analytical tools are sometimes applied appropriately.32 – 35Presents a thorough analysis with effective arguments; interpretation is both reasonable and compelling. Course concepts and analytical tools are often applied appropriately.36 – 40Presents an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence; interpretation is both reasonable and compelling. Course concepts and analytical tools are expertly applied.
Content(35 points)
0 – 20Content is often irrelevant; information may be noticeably incorrect and/or off-topic.21 – 24Content is somewhat relevant and informative; may stray off topic a few times.25 – 27Content is mostly relevant and informative; may stray off topic one or two times.28 – 31Content is relevant and informative; may stray slightly off topic one time.32 – 35Content is highly relevant and informative; remains on topic.
Accuracy(15 points)
0 – 8Most of the assignment is clearly inaccurate and lacks attention to detail.9 – 10Several areas of the assignment may be slightly lacking in accuracy and/or attention to detail.11 – 11Most of the assignment is fairly accurate and shows fair attention to detail.12 – 13Most of the assignment is accurate and shows good attention to detail.14 – 15Accuracy is excellent and close attention to detail is clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
Writing Mechanics(10 points)
0 – 5Writing lacks clarity and conciseness. Serious problems with sentence structure and grammar. Numerous major and/or minor errors in punctuation and spelling.6 – 6Writing lacks clarity and/or conciseness. Contains minor problems with sentence structure and some grammatical errors as well as several minor errors in punctuation and spelling.7 – 7Writing is mostly clear and concise. Sentence structure and grammar are strong and mostly correct. There may be 3 or 4 minor errors in punctuation and/or spelling.8 – 8Writing is clear and concise. Sentence structure and grammar are strong. There may be 1-2 minor punctuation errors and/or spelling errors.9 – 10Writing is clear and concise. Sentence structure and grammar are excellent. Correct use of punctuation. No spelling errors.

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