Instead this is a report, an exercise designed to demonstrate the robust nature of the doc model of national culture which shapes our identities by about the age of ten.

Please choose any country (not Iran) and complete a Determinants of Culture (DOC) profile of about 8 paragraphs (~500 words total) to describe your chosen country just as you described Iran. Follow APA format (double-spaced, cover page, reference page).
A rigorous rubric for this assignment is not absolutely necessary because the goal is not to assess or qualify opinions of subject matter experts or present your own. Instead this is a report, an exercise designed to demonstrate the robust nature of the DOC model of national culture which shapes our identities by about the age of ten.
This said, here are a few general tips on using the DOC model:
1. Education – primary, secondary, tertiary in some form are usually present, ie, grade school, high school and college/university
2. Religion – most societies have a religious orientation based on spiritual bodies such as Judeo-Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist or other, e.g., folk religions
3. Political philosophy – in the Western tradition, we generally find liberal democracies with bicameral (2 house) legislatures; authoritarian democracies also exist (e.g., Ukraine, Hungary) as do centrally controlled socialist societies, e.g. North Korea, Cuba
4. Economic philosophy – economies often embrace some form of capitalism, but these can be centrally controlled by a political party or a religion differently
5. Social-structure – family orientation is common, but authority is often vested in some type of authoritarian patriarchy (may be hidden but robust)
6. Language – most nations and societies have local languages but teach English to upwardly mobile socio-economic groups; there are ~7000 languages!

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