Identify real estate law and regulations, including agency relationships, duties, and disclosures.

For this assignment you will create an introduction and an conclusion. You will also use the thesis statement “(that you are knowledgeable regarding the legal aspects of real estate” for the introduction and conclusion.You will use part of the previous assignments to write the introduction and conclusion. You can use the guide term paper below to make the Introduction and conclusion. This course is Real Estate 110 LEGAL ASPECTS OF REAL ESTATE.
This advanced course explores real estate law topics with a focus on legal case studies. It is designed to reinforce basic real estate concepts from Real Estate Principles and Real Estate Practice, and then present intermediate and advanced real estate law topics. It is a complement to the Business Law course. Topics include: real property nature, estates, and ownership; agency law, duties, and disclosures; contract law and real estate contracts; alternatives to litigation; title, escrow, alienation, and closing; real estate financing; land use controls; civil rights & fair housing laws; and landlord / tenant law. Course is acceptable for salesperson license elective and is required for broker’s license by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE).
1. Identify real estate law and regulations, including agency relationships, duties, and disclosures.
2. Describe the elements of real property, including estates, ownership, and title.
3. Outline contract laws and review standard real estate contracts as applicable.
4. List dispute resolution alternatives to civil litigation, including negotiation techniques.
5. Explain the concepts of real estate transactions and closings, including alienation and foreclosure procedures.
6. Summarize real estate mortgage and finance regulations, including fair lending and anti-discrimination laws.
7. Categorize types of land use control and government regulation of real property.
8. Define fair housing laws, anti-discrimination practices, and professional ethics.
9. Relate the rights and duties of landlords and tenants in property management transactions.
1. Identify and explain real estate legal concepts and vocabulary terms required by both the State of California exam and professional real estate offices.
2. Summarize the primary duties and liability of real estate licensees, the grounds for disciplinary action, and the purpose of fair housing laws.
Write 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph must be 5 sentences long. It is a summary of your final paper, which includes all of your Activities for the term paper. The focus of your final term paper is to demonstrate how you understand the legal aspects of real estate due to the knowledge and skills you gained in this class. You will be successful because of your knowledge, as well as your work experience and leadership characteristics. This is personal to YOU and should not be theoretical in nature. Please pull out your submissions for your Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Activities and review each of them in preparation for the final paper. Scroll down and refer to the model example below.
INTRODUCTIONThe first paragraph will be your introduction for the final report. Write in complete sentences to summarize the knowledge you gained in this class: What does this report cover? Write one sentence each to summarize the major sections of the paper: qualifications, real estate legal background, the case study, and the fair housing case you reviewed. By the end of this course, you should be able to recognize situations in which legal counsel should be sought, as well as understand the rights and obligations of real estate licensees under the law. Lastly, write a thesis statement. It should state that you are knowledgeable regarding real estate laws.
CONCLUSIONThe second paragraph will be your conclusion for the final report. Write in complete sentences. Re-state the thesis statement (that you are knowledgeable regarding the legal aspects of real estate) from the introduction. Recap the major sections of the paper, just like you did in the introduction, except use slightly different words.
Do not use any sources, citations, or references in the introduction or the conclusion paragraphs. It must be all your own original work.
Here are all the assignments done for this course will be needed to make the introduction and conclusion
1.Ch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Reflection summary. You will use a section from each part of these papers .
2.Background summary
3. Qualification
4. Case Study
5. fair housing case
guide below
Real Estate Study of Case Law

BRE-110 Legal Aspects of Real Estate
< FROM WEEK 7 ACTIVITY: insert introductory paragraph to summarize the knowledge you gained in this class: What does this report cover? Write one sentence each to summarize the major sections of the paper: qualifications, real estate legal background, the court case study, and the presentation case study. Lastly, write a thesis statement. It should state that you are knowledgeable regarding real estate laws. By the end of this course, you should be able to recognize situations in which legal counsel should be sought, as well as understand the rights and obligations of real estate licensees under the law.>
< FROM WEEK 7 ACTIVITY: Insert conclusion paragraph for the final report. Re- state the thesis and summarize the introduction paragraph in different words. Write in complete sentences. Recap the major sections of the paper, just like you did in the introduction, except use slightly different words. Do not use any sources, citations, or references in the introduction or the conclusion paragraphs. References Huber, W., & Tyler, K. (2019). California Real Estate Law (9th ed.). Covina, California: Educational Textbook Company, Inc.

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