However, the individuals would have to agree not to tell anyone that they had been given the car to drive and in essence had been hired by the company to create favorable word of mouth.

Required Assignment Format Students must submit the assignment as an academic essay – DO NOT use bullets or numbers, please. Use subheadings to identify the different sections of your paper. The assignment must be typed; Double spaced in 12pt font size; With 1-inch margins all around. The assignment must be 2 -3 pages long not including cover and reference pages. Abstracts are not required but welcome. – 10 possible points. Use a minimum of 2 academic sources in your paper for support and cite them correctly in APA format and include your sources on your references page at the end of your paper – 10 possible points. DO NOT use pages to write your paper, it will be inaccessible to me.
Case Study Title: What’s the Buzz?
Rachel has just graduated with an M.A. in Advertising and has taken a job at a major agency in account services. In school, she studied buzz marketing, a relatively new communication technique with the objective of seeking out trendsetters in target communities and subtly pushing them to talk up the brand to their friends and acquaintances. In essence, these people were hired to generate favorable word of mouth. Rachel has been assigned to work as an assistant account executive for a major automobile client that is introducing a new sports car. The account team was recommending an interesting buzz marketing technique. Rather than spend a lot of money on 30-second commercials, opinion leaders in key markets would be recruited and given one of the new sports cars to drive for six months. The responsibility of these individuals would be to talk the car up and to hand out literature and trinkets to anyone who expressed an interest in the car. However, the individuals would have to agree not to tell anyone that they had been given the car to drive and in essence had been hired by the company to create favorable word of mouth. Rachel felt uncomfortable about this aspect of the promotion that her account team was recommending; it seemed receptive to her. She had heard that the client loved the promotion. She also wondered what harm the promotion could cause. It seemed that the worst that would happen is that someone would get a ride in a nice sports car and some free trinkets. Use the Potter Box Ethical framework to analyze the case study above by applying the four stages of the framework and providing detailed justification for each of your choices for each stage of the Potter Box based on the case study. The Potter Box framework requires detailed justification for each stage of the framework. Students must defend their decisions for each stage of the Potter Box as follows:-
1. Definition Stage – Detailed summary of case study – 15 possible points
2. Values Stage – value/values chosen from a list of values for Potter Box Analysis. Values are clearly articulated; applied to case study 3-G effectively and the decision to use specific values is justified by the student. – 10 possible points.
3. Theories/Principles Stage – Ethical theory/principle chosen from a list of ethical theories covered in the textbook and lectures. Theory/Principles are clearly explained and clearly applied to the case study. The student provides a clear justification for the choice of ethical theory/principle. – 20 possible points
4. Loyalty Stage – Loyalty/loyalties chosen from a list of loyalties/obligations covered in lectures for the Potter Box framework. Loyalty/loyalties are clearly explained and clearly applied to the case study. The student provided clear justification for the choice of loyalty/loyalties. – 25 possible points.
5. What is your personal takeaway from the case study and what would you do differently under the circumstances as a media professional – 10 possible points.
6. Please make sure you make strong arguments and provide the necessary justification for your choices of each of the stages of the Potter Box listed above.

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