How formal and informal systems and structure influenced success

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Essay 01

The organization that I am working with is a hierarchical type of organization. The employees are supervised, and the order of authority in the company goes from the most senior members to the most junior. The organization was planning to implement cloud computing in its data management. With cloud technology, the organization can offload parts of its processes to remote servers accessible through the Internet. This removes the concerns of delays, failures, and irreversible data loss.
The importance of formal procedures and structures cannot be understated in any effort to alter an organization. They impact the activities undertaken, the methods employed, the results obtained, and the impressions left on those who interact with the corporation (Deszca, Ingols & Cawsey, 2019). While leaders establish their organizations’ systems and structures, those very same systems and structures mold the actions of those in power. Decisions concerning who has the authority to change things and how those changes are implemented are all impacted by formal systems and structures’ functions in coordinating, communicating, and controlling the activities (Deszca, Ingols & Cawsey, 2019). In my organization, the roles and responsibilities of everyone are defined. This structure allowed the changer leader to designate specific roles to the right individuals, thus facilitating the success of the planned change. To implement the planned change, the strategic plan for the organization was modified to accommodate cloud computing in managing the organization’s data. The leadership structure played an essential role in facilitating the implementation of the change. The executive directed the junior staff on how the implemented change should be integrated into the organization’s operations.
Formal and informal systems operate under different guidelines (Simpson & Feyerabend, 2021). Planning, performance evaluation, and the communications network are all examples of the processes and procedures that make up formal systems. Together, they lay out the norms for the conduct, the protocols that must be adhered to, and the channels through which data must pass before it may be used (Deszca, Ingols & Cawsey, 2019). An organization’s transition to cloud computing was assisted by the framework given by the formal system. The informal system in the organization also provided a social structure that assisted in implementing the change. An informal system creates a platform where individuals can share their ideas which helps in decision-making (Colombo & Mella, 2021). The organization employed both formal and informal systems in its operations. The two systems provided a balance that allowed the change to be implemented successfully. The formal hierarchical structure allowed everyone to understand their role in implementing the change. In contrast, the informal system allowed every employee to give their opinions regardless of ranking, thus aiding decision-making. As a result, the organizational structure and systems lessened the change’s inherent unpredictability and complexity.
Colombo, C. M., & Mella, P. (2021). “Organization”. A multi facet concept. Economia Aziendale Online 2000 Web, 12(4), 487–506.
Deszca, G., Ingols, C., & Cawsey, T. F. (2019). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit. SAGE Publications.
Simpson, A., & Feyerabend, M. (2021). Tug-of-War: The pull of formal institutional practices and structures and the desire for personal change. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20(1), 149-168.

Essay 02

Organizational Systems and Structures
An organizational structure refers to a set of responsibilities, roles, rules, and relationships that defines how an organization’s deeds should be focused to attain its ambitions. On the other hand, an organizational system refers to a set of actions in place as a sequence of phases to achieve a particular goal. Systems and structures within an organization control the flow of information among ranks within an organization (Deszca et al., 2019). The primary objective of this discussion is to determine how systems and structures can properly be aligned with the organization’s culture and strategy.
Type of Organization Structure in the Organization
Amazon is one of the familiar organizations with a hierarchical structure and is the leading internet retailer in the world. In this structure, power flows from top to bottom, from the board of directors, then goes down to the chief executive officer, and then to the rest of the organization’s staff (Cheng et al., 2021). All departments in this structure are supervised by the staff director and report back to the chief executive officer. In other words, this structure leads to a centralized organizational structure; hence employers specialize in their area of work, producing great quality work.
The existing organizational structure in Amazon is a hierarchical structure that leads to organizational disunity since specialization is made departmentally and leads to decisions being made to support departments other than the goals of the whole organization. Amazon integrates geographic divisions as a structure, and this helps them to achieve business goals related to physical locations (Lim & Winkenbach, 2019). Also, geographic divisions make e-commerce enterprises easily managed since issues related to each region are accurately addressed. The systems involved in the geographic division to bring changes to Amazon are the functional groups of North America and International; hence decisions are made at the divisional level reacting faster to many regions’ needs.
How Formal and Informal Systems and Structure Influenced Success
Formal organizational structures and systems involve the divisions and management being explained and written for the employees to understand how things within an organization work. Formal organizational structure leads to the success of an organization because there is specialization amongst workers since the responsibilities and roles of each employee are clearly defined; hence goals are achieved. On the other hand, informal structures and systems are run by a system established by employees. The organization does not have to operate under chain-of command, regulations, and rules nor are there written documents or guidelines. Informal structure leads to the success of an organization since it adapts highly to changes made (DiRomualdo, 2018).
Organizational structures and systems on uncertainty and complexity
Uncertainty refers to suspicion whereby one lacks sureness concerning something. Complexity refers to a situation where it’s difficult to comprehend something. Hierarchical organizational structures reduce uncertainty since hierarchical structures involve a lengthy decision-making process. Through this decision-making process, the organization makes the best decisions, reducing doubt (Bostanabad et al., 2018). In addition, geographic divisions increase service delivery to large numbers of customers worldwide.
In conclusion, an organization should opt for the best systems and structures that will significantly help them achieve its goals. For example, Amazon opted for a hierarchal structure plus geographic divisions and has achieved its goals. Systems and structures will always affect company performance and competitiveness in the market. It is essential to ensure that the existing structures and systems can support change in the organization, such as, Inc.
Bostanabad, R., Liang, B., Gao, J., Liu, W. K., Cao, J., Zeng, D., … & Chen, W. (2018). Uncertainty quantification in the multiscale simulation of woven fiber composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 338, 506-532.
Cheng, J., Huang, W., Park, J. H., & Cao, J. (2021). A hierarchical approach to finite-time filter design for fuzzy Markov switching systems with deception attacks. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3049476
Deszca, G., Ingols, C., & Cawsey, T. F. (2019). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit. (4th Edition). (pp. 287-302). Sage Publications.
DiRomualdo, A., El-Khoury, D., & Girimonte, F. (2018). HR in the digital age: How digital technology will change HR’s organization structure, processes, and roles. Strategic HR Review.
Lim, S. F. W., & Winkenbach, M. (2019). Configuring the last mile in business-to-consumer e-retailing. California Management Review, 61(2), 132-154.

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