How can cognitive perspective be effectively designed or adapted in call materials?

Examine the 7 seven principles for adapting materials (p. 186). The use of CALL to achieve effective language learning may follow the principles below, and adaptation of materials should address these aspects. Respond to the 3 of the principles:
Item 3 states “It must situate materials, activity and language learning in a specific context, bearing in mind sociocultural and educational contexts”. Give two examples for each of the following: facilitating Saudi sociocultural and educational contexts foryoung EFL learners
university or adult EFL learners
constraining Saudi sociocultural and educational contexts foryoung EFL learners
university or adult EFL learners
Item 4 states “It must specifically address learners’ needs and levels from both linguistic and cognitive perspectives. How can cognitive perspective be effectively designed or adapted in CALL materials?
Item 5 states “It must link what is being learnt (vocabulary and grammar) to the context in which it is used. Students need to see the relevance of what they learn, in real-life situations” (p186). Give examples of 2 real-life Saudi contexts/situations for Saudi young EFL learners
university or adult EFL learners

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