Find an image, or draw, the chemical structure of glycogen.

Topic 1 asks you to explore the biochemistry of the insulin signaling for human physiology. You will be asked to locate, draw, or capture images of molecules. You must include a citation if you choose to find the image using the internet. If you choose to use a program like MolView or ChemDraw or ChemSketch, they have information about how to properly cite their programs.
You will then be asked to identify functional groups on the molecule OR describe the properties OR define the concepts. In your newsletter, avoid using too many words (and never copy/paste from references). Take advantage of pictures, drawing on captured images, and using callout features. Callout features are those little boxes in your textbook, for example, that have brief information.
The link between Carbohydrates and Diabetes
Following the path of glucose
In the bloodstream
Find an image, or draw, the chemical structure of insulin.
Identify the organic families within this compound.
Find an image, or draw, the Fischer Projection of glucose.
Identify if the glucose is D-glucose or L-glucose.
In a cell
Once in a cell, glucose can be converted to three different products:
Find an image, or draw, the chemical structure of glycogen.
Identify the type of glycosidic linkages that occur.
Find an image, or draw, the chemical structure of pyruvate.
Identify the functional groups within this compound.
Find an image, or draw, the chemical structure of fatty acid.
Where does the fatty acid get stored?
The issue
Pro tip! It is not professional to use the question as a title. Level up your game by thinking about the question in your head, then when you get to the answer start typing. The answer is what goes into your final work.
Describe or Define the following concepts:
Diabetes — what is it clinically? How does it affect people?
Diabetes and carbohydrates connection — how are they related?
Outline the difference between fast digested starch and slowly digested starch.
How does fast digested starch affect diabetes?
How does slowbcily digested starch affect diabetes?

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