• each section should be identified with a title heading – purposbcie; learning objectives; content, etc.

The Final Project for this course is a 10-page paper that provides the learner with the opportunity to articulate a deepened understanding of the healthcare professional as an educator along with key concepts concerning teaching, learning, and curriculum development. Choose your topic thoughtfully, so you can develop a strong lesson plan and demonstrate your knowledge expertise.
The requirements of the paper are as follows:
• Must use APA formatting throughout the paper.
• Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around.
• Must use 12-pt Times New Roman, black font.
• Must be a minimum of 10 pages in length – Total length does not include title/cover page, abstract, references list or appendix (if added).
• Must have a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed scholarly references – REMEMBER – it is inappropriate to list a source in the References list if you do not use it to support your work (in-text) – If you use a source in-text, reference it at the end – I will cross-check. At least 8 different scholarly references must be evidenced by your in-text citations
• Each section should be identified with a title heading – Purposbcie; Learning Objectives; Content, etc.

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