Down by 25 percent year over year.

Case study:
You are the senior human resource manager at Birring Resorts Inc. (BRI) located in
Vancouver, British Columbia. The company specializes in providing a luxurious, relaxing, and
carefree experience to its guests that come from all over the world for vacation and travel.
During the past few years, BRI has consistently achieved a four-star rating on a five-star scale.
The board of directors at the company are disappointed with these continued ratings and are
eager to improve on its brand image.
The leadership team has been slow to enact changes in keeping up with its market share.
Many new companies have entered the luxurious hospitality market and have made some
significant disruptions. This has adversely affected BRI financially, as revenues have slowed
down by 25 percent year over year. Some of the issues stem from the lack of innovation,
marketing, and a manual system used for booking reservations.
The outlook for the industry is positive, as the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down.
Experts have noted that most resorts can expect to see an increase in guest demand by 33 percent
from prior years. The Canadian dollar has also lost its value relative to some of the major
international currencies, suggesting a more affordable experience from overseas.
BRI is currently experiencing substantial turnover, as many of the employees on its roster
have only been a part of the business for no more than 18 months before leaving for other
opportunities. To be successful, these employees must uphold the highest customer service skills
and be able to provide an unmatched guest experience.
The CEO of BRI has announced that moving forward, it will focus more on reducing
costs so that the financial performance of the resort will improve for the next fiscal year. With
these savings, the CEO would like to use the capital to pay shareholders’ their dividend share. He
anticipates that this will attract new public investors, as the company will be known for
consistent dividend distributions.
The Chairman has turned to you and asked that you submit a report to the Board of
Directors. The intent and purpose of the report is to identify the issues occurring at BRI and
provide meaningful recommendations from a business and human resource perspective.
Requirements of the paper:
1) The paper must be written in essay format. Use APA 7th edition format.
2) Must have an introduction and a conclusion. Ensure that both sections have all the key
points covered.
3) No abstract or table of contents is required.
4) The paper will be marked on the rubrics shown below. Ensure your paper follows the
grading form.
5) The paper does not have a minimum word count (maximum word count is 1,500). The
key is whether the paper thoroughly addresses the issues and offers sound
recommendations. Precise and concise writing is preferred.
6) A minimum of 5 academic references via the UCW library and 2 non-academic
references (minimum total 7). Sites such as Panmore, UKEssay, Scribble, Coursehero,
Chegg, and Wikipedia will not be allowed. Use of other student’s paper from any other
institution as a reference will not be accepted. Links must be provided for all digitally
accessed documents. The links and reference information must access the page being
referenced, otherwise, it will not count as a site used.
7) A well written paper is one where the paper teaches the reader about the topic. Do not
assume that the reader understands your topic or will fill in the blanks of information.

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