Don’t use abbreviations; write for a reader who is not familiar with the article you are summarizing.

This assignment is the last of three papers you will submit on the topic you selected earlier, and it covers two distinct age ranges: 26-65 years old and 66-100 years old. The body of this paper will be 6 pages (~1500 words).
The first part of the paper is like Papers 1 and 2. In a narrative paragraph style, briefly describe each of your prior references (3 references for 26-65 years and 2 references for 66-100 years) addressing all of these questions.
Remember to always refer to your articles by author and year -not title or vague terms like “my first article”.
You must write concisely here, use important details that tell the story of development. Many specific descriptions of the research from the prior papers will not directly serve this purpose.
Utilize the ability to cite multiple studies in the same sentence to make your points concisely. For example -LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE
Work investigating the long arm of stress from adolescence to midlife has found evidence for accumulation of allostatic load (Rainisch & Upchurch, 2013; Westerlund, et al., 2012) and evidence of childhood socioeconomic status playing a role in the adults’ cognitive challenges evidenced by a lab study signally those who did not shift and persist in tasks requiring this (Chen et al., 2012).
The sentence above cites 3 references and compares ages in one sentence. No prior knowledge is assumed and the discipline standard of author and year is maintained.
Below are guiding questions to help you extract the developmental importance of your work. You need to think about these all but may not need to include them all. You need to think about these details. Questions 4 and 5 below many need a lot of summary given our word limit.
Comparing the theories and findings will help you think across studies. Questions 1, 2, and 6, 7, & 8 are written to highlight what aspects of development are changing here.
[1]What is the study about in your own words?
[2]What is a theory or theories that guide this work?
[3]Who exactly did they study? The sample size? Ages?
[4] Method of selection (e.g. clinical sample, community)? Be specific.
[5] How did they measure what they said? Surveys, observations, etc. Don’t use abbreviations; write for a reader who is not familiar with the article you are summarizing.
[6]What did the authors of this work find?
[7] What did they conclude?
[8] What area of Arnett (2016) is related to this topic? Be specific and demonstrate an understanding of development with your choices. This is vital.
[9](optional for higher grades) What are the strengths or weaknesses of this work?
This third paper will also include the final, summative analysis that compares and contrasts across all age groups. (see rubric for this point value so you understand its importance) This summary and comparison is the place I expect you to demonstrate your thinking about your topic and development. For this reason, this section has a higher weight in the grading.
I have tried to suggest ways in my feedback to you in your papers 1 and 2 of how you might think about your topics developmentally. While my suggestions are just that – suggestions you must demonstrate a specific detailed understanding of what changes over time
By comparing all ten of your research articles, you will illustrate what developmental changes occur, how developmental changes occur, and how stability may be seen. For example, if you were looking at second language learning as your topic, you might find the following: When an individual learns second language matters a lot. Infants seem to learn a second language in a profoundly different way than people who are 65 years old do. By incorporating information from our text, you could talk about differences within the 0-11-year-olds, shifts in the 12-25 year age range, and the literature on learning a language later in life. There are unique aspects of language learning and its consequences that occur at different points in time. The comparison paper might include changes in brain structure, cognitive development, or social expectations to name a few areas. Be sure to answer the question, “Why is your topic important to consider with a developmental lens?”
As Paper 3 is a stand-alone paper, you will need to extract key details about all ten studies to provide context for your discussion.
In other words, avoid saying “My paper 1 showed this” or “the article in paper two entitled “ties that bind ” helped me…”.
Remember you are not expecting the reader to have read the peer-reviewed articles you are using. Your inclusion of the important descriptive details about each study is in service of the larger goal: Comparing aspects of the topics and thinking about development to make your case for why this topic matters with a developmental lens.

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