Don’t overload a diagram.

Format: Please typewrite your answers and show all your work when making calculations. You can make calculations by hand and add the images to the document but make sure to typewrite your answers (you can use this Word document).
Some of these questions are long and cover technical issues. Take the time to read all the questions, pause, and reflect before trying to solve each problem.
You must answer ALL questions.
You must explain ALL of your answers.
For mathematical questions, show the intermediate steps that lead you to your final results.
You need to use FULL sentences, i.e., subject verb complement.
Your answers must be readable and easy to follow.
Your charts need to be clean and easy to read. Whether you use digital tools or pen and paper, each chart must look impeccable. Use a ruler!
Always label your axes!
Don’t overload a diagram. If there is too much content on one chart, do not hesitate to use a new one.

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