Does the hungarian possessor dp appear in the same place as the english one in (7) – (8)?

1 Finite and non-finite clauses (2 points)
For each sentence, put brackets around each clause in that sentence and label whether
it is a finite or non-finite clause. Then, label the location of all the Ts in each sentence.
Remember that if is a complementizer (a C), and that T can be null.
Example: [The children wanted [everyone to play in the park.]]
Finite Non-finite
(1) Wilma wondered if Fred won the race.
(2) The other workers are waiting for the boss to meet Barney.
(3) The neighbors expect Betty will meet Wilma.
(4) Dino wanted Bamm-Bamm to be adopted by the Flintstones.
2 English that (4 points)
Think of the two possible interpretations of the sentence. Paraphrase them and draw the
two tree structures, following X-bar theory.
(5) The researchers think that fish should eat kelp.
Paraphrase 1:
Tree 1:
Paraphrase 2: :
Tree 2:
3 Ambiguous DPs (2 points)
The following DP is ambiguous. Draw the two trees that reflect each of the meanings.
[Hint: think of the bracketing before drawing the trees]
(6) A cousin of Bill’s brother.
Tree 1:
Tree 2:
4 Hungarian DPs (2 points)
In our class, we have seen the structure of construct possessives in English looks like:
Consider the following data from Hungarian. You have to figure out whether the possessor
DP appears in the same place as the English ones. Assume the determiners az and a modify
the possessed noun, not the possessor. The ending on the word kalapom/kalapod/kalapja
varies depending upon the possessor. This does not affect the answer to this question.
(7) az én kalapom
the I hat-1sg
‘my hat’
(8) a te kalapod
the you hat-2sg
‘your hat’
Hungarian has another possessive construction, seen in (9).
(9) Marinak a kalapja
Mary the hat-3sg
‘Mary’s hat’
State your answer and briefly explain the evidence in 1 sentence. You do not need to
draw any trees for these questions:
Does the Hungarian possessor DP appear in the same place as the English one in (7) – (8)?
Does the Hungarian possessor DP appear in the same place as the English one in (9)?

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