Considering three major movements in western culture (realist, modern, post-modern), discuss and cite your reasons for what you consider to be the most significant contributions in art, as they have impacted and influenced our contemporary times.(you may choose one work: painting, literature, architecture, or music from each period: realist, modern, post-modern).

Considering three major movements in Western Culture (Realist, Modern, Post-Modern), discuss and cite your reasons for what you consider to be the most significant contributions in Art, as they have impacted and influenced our contemporary times.(you may choose ONE work: Painting, Literature, Architecture, or Music from EACH period: Realist, Modern, Post-Modern).
By “most significant” I want to know why and how you think these works have advanced Human creativity, understanding, social/political vision and culture in our times. Did they bring new insights or truths about the human condition? Did they foster a new way of thinking, or outlook? Did they initiate new forms and break conventions through innovation? Were they “revolutionary” in positive and/or negative ways as we look back from today’s perspective on them?
Your organization might follow this:
Thesis Statement–Briefly stating your selections and focus on why they are the most significant (try to define what you mean by “significant”–see above).
Body Paragraphs
Realist (1865–1914):
Work (Twain’s “Huck Finn”–Lit.) discussion and demonstration/rationale for selection
Modern (1914–1945):
Work (Stravinsky’s “Rites of Spring”–Music) discussion and demonstration/rationale for selection
Post-Modern (1945–2000):
Work (Warhol’s “Marilyn”–Painting ) discussion and demonstration/rationale for selection
Conclusion–Restate your argument about why your selections were the most significant.
Approx.750 words
Final Exam Essay
Final Exam Essay
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdea Development and Content
60 to >40.0 ptsHigh
The paper specifically focuses on the assigned topic and all components of the prompt. The student has given intensive thought to the topic and writes from an informed point of view. He discusses each main point long enough to show clearly and specifically his meaning and intent. He supports each main point with arguments, examples, or details and presents a convincing rationale for his views. His points are clearly related to the topic and to the main idea or impression he is trying to convey. No necessary points are overlooked and there is no padding.
40 to >20.0 ptsMiddle
The paper either treats the assigned prompt and its parts superficially, or incompletely (not addressing all parts of the assignment). The paper gives the impression that the writer does not really not fully understand the implications and scope of his writing. It does not explain its points clearly or make them relevant or cogent for the reader.
20 to >0 ptsLow
The paper may mention the assigned focus or prompt, but neither develops, or advances a particular thesis. It is either hard to tell what points the writer is attempting to make or else they are so weak that a revision would clarify points that often make no sense. The paper does not explain its points sufficiently, but only asserts them and then goes on to something else, or repeats the same points in slightly different words. The writer does not bother to check facts, and much of what is written may be incorrect or untrue.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
10 to >6.67 ptsHigh
The paper starts at a logical point, has a sense of purposeful movement, gets somewhere and then stops. The paper has an underlying strategy or plan that the reader can easily follow. Sometimes there is a little surprising twist at the end that makes the paper come out in a way that the reader did not anticipate, but is logically valid. Main points are treated at greater length and depth, others in proportion to their importance.
6.67 to >3.33 ptsMiddle
The organization of this paper is standard and conventional. There is usually a one paragraph introduction, three main points each treated in separate paragraphs, and a conclusion that often seems pasted on or forced. Trivial points are treated in greater detail than important points and there is usually insignificant or irrelevant points used as filler.
3.33 to >0 ptsLow
This paper starts randomly and has no focused movement. The main points are not clearly separated from one another, and they come in a haphazard order. The paper seems to have many false starts and chaotically jumps in many directions until the reader is lost.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper and Effective Use of Diction
5 to >3.5 ptsHigh
The writer incorporates a sprinkling of uncommon, but apt and precise words, or of familiar words in uncommon ways. They shows an interest in word choice and in putting them together in fresh and in a slightly unconventional manner. Some of these experiments with words may not quite come off, but this is such a promising attempt that a few mistakes may be forgiven. For the most part, they uses words appropriately and with a sense for nuances and personal voice.
3.5 to >2.0 ptsMiddle
The writing seems dependent on hackneyed fixed and cliché expressions. In experimenting with words, the writer often uses malapropisms and attempts to incorporate stilted or archaic language to gain a sense of sophistication.
2 to >0 ptsLow
The writer uses words so carelessly and inexactly that he gets far too many wrong. These are not intentional experiments with words in which lack of precision may be excused; instead, they represent a groping for words and using them without regard to their fitness, specificity, or aptness. A paper obviously demonstrating a limited vocabulary may also receive a low rating on this quality, even if no word usage is clearly wrong.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnglish Usage and Sentence Structures
5 to >3.5 ptsHigh
There are no obvious or illiterate errors in usage by present standards of formal written English. The sentence structure is most often correct, even in varied or complicated sentence patterns. The writer reveals an ability to manipulate complicated sentence patterns and he combines sentence kernels effectively.
3.5 to >2.0 ptsMiddle
There are a few serious mistakes in usage and several in points that have been covered in class, but not enough to obscure meaning. The sentence structure is usually correct in familiar sentence patterns, but there are occasional errors in complicated patterns: errors in parallelism, subordination, consistency of tenses, reference of pronouns, etc.
2 to >0 ptsLow
There are so many serious errors in usage and sentence structure that the paper is hard to understand, or is incomprehensible.
5 pts
Total Points: 80

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