Complete the isbar template based on your observations from the video.

There are two parts to this Task.
Part A (400 Words):
Prepare for this Task by
· watching the videos on communicating using ISBAR
· downloading and reading the ISBAR Template.
Start the task by watching the following video of a General Practitioner interviewing a Woman experiencing panic and anxiety.
As you watch, record details of the woman’s story and situation, her understandings and those of the clinician.
Complete the ISBAR Template based on your observations from the video. Consider what you would need to communicate if you were referring the consumer to another health worker (who does not have any information on her). Use the ISBAR Learning Guide (in week 3 content) to help you formulate your responses. Remember that as this is a handover tool, all information must be from the scenario and written in a clear and concise manner but with essential details. If there are gaps or no information has been provided, you can indicate that further information is required. You may use dot-points to record your handover information.
The word count of 400 words allows description, but you will need to be concise.
Part B (400 Words):
In 400 words, respond to the following question, reflecting on the example you’ve discussed in Part A:
What principles of recovery were demonstrated during the interview between the clinician and the consumer? Briefly explain the principles that you observed and describe how they were demonstrated.
Include your response in the appropriate section of the ISBAR template.
Submit your completed ISBAR Template as a Word document by the end of Week 4.
The ISBAR Template will be marked on completion of the template (45%), principles of recovery (40%) and presentation (15%).
Task 2 contributes 15% towards your final grade.
Please note: whilst you will not be penalised for exceeding the word limit, your marker will stop reading text that exceed the limit i.e. anything past the word limbciit will not be marked.

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