Choose three incidents from your own management and/or leadership practice which you think would be valuable to review in order to improve your practice.

Task Overview: This assignment requires you to apply leadership and management theories and frameworks to analyse three incidents from your own management and/or leadership practice. You will use the insights from your analysis to produce a personal development plan.
Task Detail: Appendix (1500 words – not included in word count and not assessed)
Choose three incidents from your own management and/or leadership practice which you think would be valuable to review in order to improve your practice. You should choose a mix of incidents, for example, an incident where you were leading a team or being led by others, incidents in different workplace or cultural contexts, or an incident involving an ethical dilemma or a conflict. You should describe each incident and include this as an appendix at the end of your report. Use up to 500 words per incident and number them 1, 2 and 3. This work is descriptive and is not graded but it will be read by the markers before they read your main report. You should use the STAR method to describe the incident. see attached for complete instruction
UPD: if possible one of the incidents let it bee on: 1. working on a bank when the Panama papers information came out, as a team member and how we have to work extra hours to ensure that we review all the accounts, read the memorandum and articles and ensure that all of those accounts under a bare share certificate were closed, other about how again as a team member I have to work extra hours to ensure that all the accounts (bank) were with proper CRS and Fatca forms for our reporting, which took being in constant communication with those that need it to update the documentation etc, the last one can be anything.

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