Choose one issue presented in the play is still relevant in 2021.

Please follow the youtube link below and watch the documentary on playwright Lorraine Hansberry. You are also responsible for reading and understanding the information in the attached document (put in files) on Lorraine Hansberry and A Raisin in the Sun.

Once you have watched the documentary, please respond to the following:
Name ONE way Hansberry challenged traditional gender roles (of that time) in A Raisin In the Sun (be specific). (Your answer must be 100-150 words in length)
A Raisin In the Sun was written and produced over 60 years ago. Choose ONE issue presented in the play is still relevant in 2021. (Your answer must be 100-150 words in length)
How do you think Lorraine Hansberry’s voice as a writer would fit in today’s landscape of storytelling and entertainment? (Your answer must be 100-150 words in length)

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