Choose 3 artists from the “art 21 artist list” provided, then watch the “special” video for each artist and download 3 works of art by each artist, write a 3 sentence summary for each artist of their studio experience or practice, and then write a 200-word summary about what is provided in the pictures i have given of the full directions, so to clarify watch the videos and upload 3 images of each artist’s work and then fill out the template and 3 sentence

Choose 3 artists from the “Art 21 artist list” provided, then watch the “special” video for each artist and download 3 works of art by each artist, write a 3 sentence summary for each artist of their studio experience or practice, and then write a 200-word summary about what is provided in the pictures I have given of the full directions, so to
clarify watch the videos and upload 3 images of each artist’s work and then fill out the template and 3 sentence
summary about each artist and then write a separate summary that can be NO more than 200 words.
Thank you

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