Choose 2 of the following authors (bordo, katz, orenstein, phillips, and mann).

Philosophy of Love and Sex
Paper One
Choose 2 of the following authors (Bordo, Katz, Orenstein, Phillips, and Mann). Then describe 2-3 discourses regarding masculinity, femininity, or sexual/romantic relationships (e.g., the hot man thesis, the “together woman” vs. the “pleasing woman,” the double-bind of masculinity, etc.). Your paper should:
1) explain the discourses in detail in your own words (using examples),
2) discuss the implications/consequences of these discourses in your own view and according to the authors, and
3) include a reflection on how these discourses impact your own identity (approximately 1 page)
Make sure to include proper citations (author’s name and page number). Please do not use any outside sources (especially internet sources). Your paper should seek to elucidate the essays and book chapters that we have read in class; this is not a research paper. Remember that you should write as if your reader is unfamiliar with these texts.
I am happy to read drafts during office hours (or during an appointment outside of these hours) if you would like suggestions on how to improve your paper. Please refer to the paper checklist that I have posted under “Assignments.” I will grade your paper based on the criteria listed in the checklist.
5-6 pages, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins

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