Addresses only those issues in the previous post, but from another point of view.

Netiquette:Responses conforms to the criteria in the Discussion Guidelines object.
References:Statements are appropriately supported by in-text citations to course or outside scholarly works and followed by bibliographic references.Response text is followed by appropriate bibliographic reference entries.
Include at least one academic references to the support your discussion.
Initial Response
Response critically examines the issues related to the statement or question posed in the discussion prompt.
Response superficially examines the issues related to the statement or question posed in the discussion prompt
Replies to Classmates
Furthers the discussion with a related comment, insight or question. Goes beyond agreement and does not merely address the same issues as the previous post, but rather uses those as a jumping off point to bring in other issues or provides a dissenting opinion and the reasoning behind it.
Furthers the discussion with a related comment, insight or question. Addresses only those issues in the previous post, but from another point of view.

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