1 connection you can make between what the textbook suggests and what you are seeing in your real-life classrooms.in other words, how does calkins’ pedagogical theory align or oppose what you are observing in your elementary classrooms?

5 – 7 main points of the chapter.You can write your main points in paragraphs, a bulleted list, or any other organizational system that works for you.
2 questions that occurred to you as you read the chapter.These questions could be for the author, me, or your classmates.
1 connection you can make between what the textbook suggests and what you are seeing in your real-life classrooms.In other words, how does Calkins’ pedagogical theory align or oppose what you are observing in your elementary classrooms?
I know a few of you have just started your classroom experiences, so if don’t worry if you don’t have a LOT to write about in this section. This section will grow in your summaries as the semester progresses.

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