Factors Affecting the Strength of the Lower Trapezius

I have mostly done the first part of the introduction, in correspondence with my research mentor’s instructions, except for the following information:
– Please include what percentage of PT patient load is shoulder problems. You will see this requirement in (1d) on the instructions document.

I also need your help in completing the second part of the introduction to the fullest. There is a literature review that I have done in the past talking about the factors contributing to lower trapezius pain – the way I went about this whole literature review was incorrect however because I was supposed to write about the factors affecting lower trapezius. My main point here is that I’ll also upload this literature review so that you can get a general sense of the task at hand and make use of it in the second part of the introduction. Also, please make sure that the citations and references on the order paper are in the correct alphabetical order. I’ll upload the instructions file and my draft as well.
– I have attached the reference doc that I have used and you will use it as well you can add more if needed. Please in (alphabetical order).
– I have attached the informed consent form of our study just to give you an idea about it.

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