Your final written assignment for this class is to create a personal narrative t

Your final written assignment for this class is to create a personal narrative that examines your or your family’s “migration story” to the United States. If you cannot trace your migration story then you need to find a participant who you can interview and share their story. You need to discuss your participant and your relationship to that participant.
A connection to your or your family’s migration story is important to help you understand yourself, your community, and your viewpoints on immigration and social justice. As you research your migration stories, do so by critically exploring the following questions:
Where do I come from?
Who do I come from?
Where did they come from?
What are some of the positive experiences experienced by you and your family after migration to the U.S.?
What are some of the negative experiences experienced by you and your family after migration to the U.S.?
How does my or my family’s migration define me thus far?
Conclude with a statement that discusses your view on the present status of immigration and social justice in the United States. (See Part C below for specific instructions)
The narrative should be organized as follows:
You must open the essay with an introductory paragraph. In this paragraph, provide an explanation of who you are and how your family became or is becoming established in the United States. Identify, the culture(s) you have been raised in and how if at all your ethnic culture and your migration story have defined who you are up to this point in your life.
Then respond to the questions above in a logical order, you can decide the order. Your responses must be developed paragraphs that tell a story, that narrate your story up to this point, and NOT simply two or three lines of brief descriptions. Edit very carefully for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors!
You should have a conclusion as well, this paragraph should recap the entire essay and discuss what, if anything, you learned about immigration, social justice, and your own story of your place in the U.S., and why it’s important to learn more about your roots and those who made your present-day achievements possible. Include a statement that incorporates one of the following: a quote from a book or movie, an image or photo of a non-human that symbolizes where you come from, a poem, lyrics from a song, etc. BE CREATIVE!
Format: 3-4 pages, 12pt. font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around (Do Not leave huge gaps in between paragraphs to kill space!!)
Your “Migration Story” Assignment is due on Sunday, August 14, 2022, by 11:59 pm. You will upload your essay to the assignment link provided in Learning Module 4.
The purpose of this assignment is to:
Develop an understanding of how immigration and immigration policies impact all of us whether we are new to this country or several generations in.
Develop a better understanding of what is meant by “social justice.”
To become aware of how important positions (race, class, gender, and sexuality), beliefs, perspectives, politics, religion, places, music, etc. inform who is welcomed into the United States and who is not.

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