You are a Sergeant in the Albuquerque Police Department. The vehicle assigned t

You are a Sergeant in the Albuquerque Police Department. The vehicle assigned to you is often in the shop because it is an older model. You believe it is undependable because you had repeated instances where the engine shut down without warning during routine patrols. There have been other mechanical problems that have been repaired but make you feel that vehicle is unreliable. Write a memorandum to your Lieutenant requesting a change in vehicles. (You may add additional facts to this fictional scenario if you need to for clarity and/or realism, but you are not required to do so. You can write your memo on any scenario you want. Just demonstrate to me that you can write an effective memo.
Part 02.
In the meantime, you applied for one of the Sergeant positions that opened in your organization. Write a cover letter for your resume.

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