This assignment is to create your own “healthy habits” magazine about dieting, i

This assignment is to create your own “healthy habits” magazine about dieting, intuitive eating, and body image.
First, give your magazine a title page that includes
The name of your magazine
The author
Accompanying artwork
The following pages (the body of the magazine) will include:
5 articles, 1-2 pages each (double spaced, or 1/2-1 page single spaced), 1 article about each of the following topics:
o (1) dieting
o (2) hunger and fullness
o (3) mindful & mindless eating
o (4) challenge the food police
o (5) emotional & external triggers
*You can use your homework assignments from the first half of the semester to guide your articles if this helps.
3 advertisements
o Create 3 advertisements that you feel promote healthy eating habits and/or a healthy body image. You can create your own products to advertise or the ads can simply promote healthy attitudes/behaviors.

This project is worth 50 points
5 points for each article (25 points)
5 points for each advertisement (15 points)
10 points for title page, creativity, grammar, and professionalism throughout the magazine
Create a 10 minute powerpoint presentation that you could give to a group of high school students. The presentation should discuss topics discussed over the semester.
This projects is worth 50 points.
– 40 points for content (information on dieting, body image, and healthy habits)
– 10 points for grammar, presentation, and professionalism

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