Think of the CAP as a well-researched, persuasive/argumentative paper. Imagine

Think of the CAP as a well-researched, persuasive/argumentative paper. Imagine that you are trying to persuade an intelligent,
but uninformed reader of your conclusion, which is encapsulated in your thesis statement. The last sentence of your introductory
paragraph should be your thesis statement. A common problem that I see is that the thesis statement is way too broad. Be sure to
narrow it down sufficiently to write a well-written paper in 4-6 pages.
• The paper should consist of the reasoned defense of some claim, which is stated in your thesis statement.
• A good paper is modest and makes a small point; but it makes that point clearly and straightforwardly, and it offers good reasons
in support of it.
I want to write a paper about Physician Assisted-Suicide

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