The purpose of the Assignment is to write a minimum 8-page, double-spaced, essay

The purpose of the Assignment is to write a minimum 8-page, double-spaced, essay in 7th edition APA scholarly format, including the title and reference page. The topic of the Essay is Quantitative research design. To organize the essay, create a three to four sentence introductory paragraph that tells the reader what you plan to write about that includes the Assignment criteria. The introductory paragraph should be followed by APA formatted Level Headings in the body of the essay for each of the following required content criteria:
1) a history of the use of quantitative research to create evidence-based nursing practice
2) the nature, purpose, and types of quantitative statistical tools, with formulas, available for analyzing quantitative research data, including an example of one research question, problem statement, purpose statement, research variables that you create, and data collection method you would use if conducting the research. Choose one quantitative statistical test (tool) to analyze your problem and include the test formula you plan to use to study the problem;
3) how you will assess validity, reliability, and limitations. Include how the research will yield results, how results will be evaluated, and how the research results apply to the real world of nursing research;
4) a reflection on underlying data assumptions and how the assumptions generalize to the population to offer new insights into future nursing research.
5) a summary of how the application of multiple statistical formulas, in quantitative research, are relevant to address layers of your problem statement.
The information will be displayed accurately in a manner consistent with APA formatting standards of scholarship.
Course writing expectations include writing as a means of learning as well as a skill to be learned. Students are expected to write in a scholarly, academic style with cites and matching references in 7th edition APA format and style including the number of Syllabus rubric required peer-reviewed, evidence-based journal references no older than five years. The expectation is that the essay will show mastery of Course outcomes 1-2 and program outcomes 1-2. All elements of the Course Essay Assessment Rubric are required in the Assignment.

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