The Microbe Myth Buster Paper The following are suggested steps for writing the

The Microbe Myth Buster Paper
The following are suggested steps for writing the project:
1. Review popular sources and opinion and develop a thesis
Use the topic list to select your myth buster subject
Look for background information about the topic and opinions among popular or other sources that are not considered “scholarly” that contribute to the myth. This includes popular press sources such as newspapers, magazines, internet sources, or even friends and family.
Develop a thesis on the topic and assert in a brief one or two sentence statement a prediction of what you believe to be true/correct. The statement should be focused and specific enough to be provable within the boundaries of your investigation. (Use this statement in the Scope section of your paper)
2. Search the scholarly literature and create an annotated bibliography of selected scholarly articles
Prepare a bibliography using APA format; include at least 5 scholarly articles
Select 3 of the articles that support your points and summarize (annotate these references): write a brief summary of the objectives and outcomes of the research presented, and how this article relates to your thesis. Attach separately or include in References (you can do both).
3. Write a paper summarizing your research (about 1500 words), in a clear, concise, and well-organized and edited form.
Include each of these sections:
Scope: state your thesis and summarize the idea you are investigating
Summary: 2-4 paragraphs, to summarize your research of scholarly literature, being sure to include the appropriate citation for each reference.
Evaluation: compare and contrast the non-scholarly information with what you learned from your search of the scientific scholarly references
Conclusion: consider whether the scholarly literature supports your thesis, or you need to change it, and what amendments might be appropriate based on the scientific evidence.
Communication: write a brief paragraph how you would debunk the myth: how would you explain clearly to someone (friends, family, or community) what you learned and concluded from you research.

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