Textbook: Launching New Ventures, 7TH 16 Author/Publisher: Allen, Kathleen R/Cen

Textbook: Launching New Ventures, 7TH 16 Author/Publisher: Allen, Kathleen R/Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-1-305-10250-7
Complete the personality and preference questionnaire (Table 2.2, page 40). “Nosce te Ipsum” Latin for “Know thyself.” Knowing your self means being aware of the images, assumptions, and stories you carry in your mind about yourself, other people, organizations and every aspect of your life. How you see the world influences how you relate or respond to events.
Answer the following questions:
What did you learn about yourself? What is your purpose? What makes you unique? What are your values? Are you actively living your values? Are they giving you energy and direction?

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