“Read the assigned readings for the class: Jung & Jung, ch. 4 (“Sexual Intimacy”

“Read the assigned readings for the class: Jung & Jung, ch. 4 (“Sexual Intimacy”). Please note, that the readings for this week deal with a wide variety of issues connected to sexuality, including sexual violence, something that is not entirely clear from the chapter title alone. Because of this, only some of the selections in the chapter are required. You should read the following: the chapter introduction, Zimmerman’s “Marriage Prep and Double Standards,” and Hollinger’s “Good Sex: Its Meaning and Morals.” The optional selections, that you can read if you wish, are Williams’s “The Body’s Grace,” Lebacqz’s “Love Your Enemy: Sex, Power, and Christian Ethics,” and Cooper’s “Sexual Slavery on Main Street.” Just as a warning: the Lebacqz’s text deals with sexual assault/violence and Cooper’s is about sex trafficking.”
“Respond to what you have read by constructing a clear argument related to the morality of some aspect of sexual ethics. This could include, but is not limited to, homosexuality, premarital sex, pornography, sexual assault on college campuses, sex trafficking, sexual violence, etc. Please make sure you are very clear in the title of your post about the topic, as some people might be uncomfortable reading about some aspects of sexual violence. Although not required, I suggest that you find an article from a newspaper online that discusses a contemporary issue related to sexual ethics and write your response to that. (I highly recommend focusing on daily metropolitan newspapers, like the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times. For information about how to evaluate sources for news articles, see this article.) When you make your argument, you should also try to employ the methodological tools that we’ve examined in Unit 1. These tools include:
Methods: deontology, teleology, virtue ethics
Sources: Bible/biblical interpretation, tradition, reason, experience, conscience, natural law
Christian concepts: love (charity), freedom, sin, social sin
Christian virtues: mercy, forgiveness, justice, etc.
Catholic social teaching: seven key principles, common good, subsidiarity, universal destination of goods, see-judge-act
You should make specific reference to at least three of the readings in your post: one must come from an article in the Jung & Jung chapter, one must come from one of the biblical texts or videos, while the last one should come from one of the resources that you read for Unit 1 to illustrate how you are applying the methodological tools of Christian ethics to your argument. Select your references carefully: they should be chosen to enhance your discussion of the reading, not just to meet the requirement. Consider: what do you want the reader to understand through this quote?”
videos from module:

biblical texts from module:
Genesis 1:1–2:3
Genesis 2:4–25
Genesis 3
only needs to be 1 page.

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