Professional Development Through Coaching in I/O Psychology For this assignment

Professional Development Through Coaching in I/O Psychology For this assignment you will write a short paper describing your approach to developing as an I/O professional. Explain what a Business Development Consultant is. Explain what the qualifications are for this job. What are their job responsibilities and duties? What skills you need to have. Explain salary and benefits. How would you prepare for this job? Explain how you would connect with and engage a potential mentor or a coach to support your development. Describe what kind of coaching would you seek to help you develop in preparation for that position. Include two scholarly articles on coaching to support your discussion. Because in IO Psychology it is a responsibility to understand and use strong diversity practices and often to support clients and team members with diversity training, coaching, or mentoring, also: Discuss what will help you gain strong competencies in diversity practices for your future work. Include two scholarly articles on diversity practices to support your discussion. Imagine you have been working on developing your competencies for six months. Describe how will you evaluate your progress. Additional Requirements Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. References: Review at least two scholarly articles on coaching, mentoring, and/or professional development, and two scholarly articles on diversity practices. Be sure to cite all four of these articles in your paper. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Assignment length: 3–4 typed, double-spaced content pages
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