Objective: Understanding Organizational Behavior in a successful and dynamic org

Objective: Understanding Organizational Behavior in a successful and dynamic organization.
Introduction: This lesson examines the characteristics of successful and dynamic organizations, with a focus on organizational behavior (OB) and its application for improving quality, control, and productivity. Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. In this activity, you will be asked to synthesize information, do research and summarize the best practices and strategies that a manager can use to implement effective processes to lead and guide others. Read and search for both the concepts and best practices related to organizational behavior to lead change, improve internal relations and increase productivity. Write a summary of your findings.
The post project for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 1000 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Post project essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format. A minimum of three sources, at least two from the lesson, must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.
Activity Details:
Step 1: Review the reading resources in this lesson and then the reading provided below to begin your exploration. Review the table of contents and browse through the variety of topics Select one chapter to highlight the area of interest for your analysis and conduct additional research, related to OB strategies. As you refine your search in your selected area, think about how you would implement the strategies you find.
Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior from Delta Publishing Company (2016) (reading attached)
Step 2: Use what you have learned about Successful Dynamic Organizations and OB processes to summarize your responses in a paper.
Step 3: Write a paper.

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