In this assignment, you will research and analyze a local, state, or federal gov

In this assignment, you will research and analyze a local, state, or federal government community and public health policy/guideline and describe the outcome of the change. Then, you will evaluate the impact of the policy/guideline and make recommendations for future legislation and/or implementation strategies.
Once you have completed your research, organize your findings, analysis and recommendation into a well-written, scholarly essay. Your essay should include the following components:
summary of the policy/guideline
significant history and background information related to the policy/guideline
description of the change to the policy/guideline
impact of the change, public and industry perceptions
recommendations for future legislation and/or implementation strategies Assignment final paper
Consider the types of policy Recommendations (CDC) which you already have, Look at Standards from professional organizations such as pediatrics, American Public Health Association, for professionals to educate their clients. Lastly, research if there are any state or federal laws regarding SIDS? There may be some laws regarding cribs etc.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
5-6 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page with topic and name of student
References page (minimum of 3 resources)

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