I have incoropated the thesis which needs some work, also a few sourcres that ca

I have incoropated the thesis which needs some work, also a few sourcres that can be used for this assignment. i have also added some drafts that has been worked on. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask . i will be available.
A reminder of the key requirements of this paper assignment:
Write a paper in which you analyze the ideas presented which at the moment is assimlation and race.
You should incorporate a finalized version of your thesis statement as part of the introductory portion of the paper (The thesis should be located as the last sentence or two of the intro paragraph).
For this assignment, you must incorporate at least 5 research sources beyond the literary text itself. These may be sources from your annotated bibliography and/or other quality research sources you’ve discovered that help in developing this analysis. Make sure your sources are written by experts in their field (people with at least a master’s degree in that field). The best place to find these sources is via the library article databases (where every article is written by an expert). See our lessons on the research process for more on this.
Your research sources must be cited in either MLA format , depending on the format appropriate for your pathway or potential career field. It is essential that these be cited via both internal citations (inside the essay itself) and via the Works Cited or References page at the end of the paper. A paper without internal citations (“in-text citations” or “parenthetical citations” would automatically fail since this would not have cited or incorporated any research).
The paper must be double-spaced, 1 inch margins, using a font such as Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10, and consist of a minimum of 1200 words in length. This is approximately 4 complete pages of writing, with an additional page needed for the Works Cited or References Page.
This paper must demonstrate proper essay structure and appropriate attention to detail in regards to grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and proofreading.
This paper makes up 30% of your course grade. It is intended to be an in-depth thoughtful analysis and the hope is that you’ve devoted substantial time and thought to its development.

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