Historically, how similar are the religious, political, and economic roles holy

Historically, how similar are the religious, political, and economic roles holy relics and ,
bodies have played in Buddhism and Christianity? Explain their similarities and differencs withspecific examples from Gregory of Tours’s writing (The Power of Relics, The Affair ofSt. Sergius’s Fingerbone), the account of the martyrdom of St. Polycarp, Faxien’s A
Recod of the Buddhist Kingdoms, and the case of Buddha’s tooth in Kandy.
1. Contain a strong, clear thesis statement that
indicates what the essay will argue.
a. (Important note: a thesis statement does not have to be a single
2. Use examples and evidence from primary and secondary sources assigned
for the class
to support thesis
a. HINT: use the sources listed in the essay question!
b. DO NOT DO OUTSIDE RESEARCH for this paper.
3. Be organized clearly.
4. At least 1000 words

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