Good morning class, I have finished grading your first library assignment. Pleas

Good morning class,
I have finished grading your first library assignment. Please make sure you read my feedback if you did not receive 100 points so that you can improve those things for Library assignment #2. The second library assignment is due by the end of this week (this Sunday 8/7/22). The same guidelines apply but instead of doing it about painting and music, you will now do it about sculpture and theater.
For the theater, you can watch a performance of a play online and analyze what you see in that performance.
As I have mentioned previously, see week 5 sculpture terms video for the sculpture analysis (week 1 art terms video is also useful as many of the terms can also be used for sculptures). See week 6 theater terms video to help you analyze/describe (in a simple way at least) a theatrical performance.
I already mentioned this, but just in case, I will repeat. If you follow the guidelines, the second library assignment should be organized this way:

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