Create Thread that presents to your peers and the instructor what you see as the

Create Thread that presents to your peers and the instructor what you see as the characteristics of a servant- leader and the characteristics of an employee that would thrive while working with a servant leader. In addition, please present whether you believe servant leaders can be developed (“made”) or are leaders born with innate characteristics that lead to being a servant leader. Finally, create a Table* that compares-and-contrasts servant-leadership across three (3) cultures against three (3) dimensions/characteristics of servant-leadership.
Post an initial message (Create Thread) that presents to your peers and the instructor what you see as the characteristics of a servant- leader and the characteristics of an employee that would thrive while working with a servant leader. In addition, please present whether you believe servant leaders can be developed (“made”) or are leaders born with innate characteristics that lead to being a servant leader. Finally, create a Table* that compares-and-contrasts servant-leadership across three (3) cultures against three (3) dimensions/characteristics of servant-leadership.

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