Complete your consent form, which is needed for those participating in your scho

Complete your consent form, which is needed for those participating in your scholarly project and submitted with your IRB proposal. The informed consent process must be delivered in “… language that is understandable to the subject (Links to an external site.) …” (45 CFR 46.116). Note: HHS regulations (45 CFR 46.116(a) (Links to an external site.)) require that researchers disclose:
The purpose of the study;
Any reasonably foreseeable risks to the individual;
Potential benefits to the individual or others;
Alternatives to the research protocol;
The extent of confidentiality protections for the individual;
Compensation (Links to an external site.) in case of injury due to the protocol;
Contact information for questions regarding the study, participants’ rights, and in case of injury and;
The conditions of participation, including right to refuse or withdraw without penalty.

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