Citations: Use parenthetical citations that include the author’s name and page n

Citations: Use parenthetical citations that include the author’s name and page number when you quote or paraphrase texts: for example, (Shi, 84). For primary sources simply identify the document: for example, (Hinton Helper Document).
Sources: Limit your analysis to the material you have studied in the weekly modules. DO NOT USE OTHER SOURCES!
Expectations: Since this is essentially a take-home essay examination, the quality of the writing counts. Be sure to read the writing tips that are posted in the exam module to understand expectations for the structure of the essay.
You will be graded on 4 criteria: 1) thesis statement, introduction, and conclusion; 2) organization and structure; 3) use of evidence, examples, and content to support your analysis; and 4) writing mechanics and style.
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The founding fathers, many of whom were slaveholders, purposely did not address the issue of slavery in the country’s founding documents. The “peculiar institution” would go on to poison social relations in the country, until the North and the South eventually went to war over the issue. Beginning with the Missouri Compromise, explain the key political events and the social and economic conditions that led up to the U.S. Civil War. Who were the principal players—groups and individuals—on each side of the sectarian divide? What were their positions, and how did they seek to come to terms with the realities of slavery and the complexities of governing the country? To what degree was western expansion and the Mexican-American War instrumental in antagonizing the relationship between the North and the South, and at what point did the Civil War become inevitable? By way of a concluding paragraph, offer an overall assessment of the successes and failures of the Civil War. As always, please provide supporting evidence for your discussion.
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Please note: that you may use your textbook, class notes, and lecture slides for this portion of the exam. You may NOT use outside sources other than class material.
Book: America: A Narrative History (Brief Eleventh Edition) (Vol. 1) David E. Shi

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