As you have seen throughout this course, there are many different applications o

As you have seen throughout this course, there are many different applications of Statistics and statistical techniques in every career field. If you could be a statistician for a day (or longer), what question or random variable would you like to investigate? For example, my question could be “Is New Smyrna Beach really the shark bite capital of the world (in other words, are there significantly more shark bites in NSB than in other locations)?” In your response, discuss the following:
What question would you like to research? Why did you choose this topic?
What is your variable of interest (what would you be measuring-be specific!)?
What is the population that you would gather this data from? What do you think would be an effective way to get a statistically significant sample from this population?
How would you measure your variable?
What methods that you have learned from our class could you apply to your question of interest?
Do some quick research to find out if your question has been investigated or if the data that you would need already exists. One good source of publicly available data is

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