-The thesis of this essay needs to be concise and clear. Make sure that the prom

-The thesis of this essay needs to be concise and clear. Make sure that the prompt is being answered.
-Prompt follows: “One Health embodies an interdisciplinary approach to predicting, preventing, and treating diseases.
Consider your experiences learning about One Health so far — the readings, the writing wrappers, the discussions, the movies, the websites, and your own research, etc. Brainstorm and develop a well-thought out and strong position on this idea and defend your thesis in an argumentative essay using one specific example to drive home your main points. To help guide your development of your ideas, strong arguments should have the following elements”
-Essay is a minimum of one page, single spaced.
-I have provided the resources that my professor has given me. These are just examples of topics that we have covered. Please do not summarize these resources. Instead, use it as an example and a structure to build your own essay.
-The prompt mentions the One Health website as a source. You can use this to find evidence to support the essay. Please do not summarize the website. That is not what the prompt is asking.
-I suggest that a smart and convient way to start/write this essay is to focus on one certain disease. I suggest COVID-19 because the videos talk about it AND the one health website has a lot of information on this topic.
-You are not limited to these resources. Please use outside information if needed. Must be cited MLA or APA format.
-The aim of this paper is to look at examples of cases where psychological health and social factors directly influence physical health in order to examine whether the abiotic factors of disease are worth being accounted for when untangling the potential origins of diseases.
-For example, you may start off like: “One of the most infectious diseases in recent years is the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China and has since then been the cause of our global pandemic breakout. This pandemic opened a door for us humans to recognize the importance…”
-My main concern is to make sure the prompt is answered and there is evidence supporting the prompt.
-Please do not accept this assignment if these requirements cannot be met.
-If you have any questions or concerns please ask me. Do not waste my time.
-I have attached the rubric. Take a look if you are feeling lost. Goodluck.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88EMvzqUBso&t=607s
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkh84w497sY&t=103s
3. https://www.cdc.gov/onehealth/index.html

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