The purpose of each Lesson Assignment is to help you create a Group Proposal in

The purpose of each Lesson Assignment is to help you create a Group Proposal in phases. At the end of each lesson, you will return to your Group Proposal to continue to add to it. At the end of the semester, you will have a completed Group Proposal for your Final Project.
Your Group Proposal must be written using APA Student format. You must have a cover and reference page (minimum of 5 references). Be sure to develop a strong argument and support your statements with evidence from the course reading material and other professional sources. Be sure to cite your references and be concise and articulate your ideas thoroughly.
To begin the process of creating your Group Proposal, address the questions listed below and upload your APA paper under Lesson 1 Assignment.
What kind of group would you be most interested in forming? Why?
How might you modify the group structure to fit the needs of members you are interested in attracting?
What factors would you consider to include a culturally diverse group?
What specific skills are needed to facilitate your proposed group? Do you possess those skills? If not, how will you obtain those specific skills?
What major potential problems do you anticipate you will encounter facilitating your group? How might you deal with this challenge?
What are some ways to combine research and practice to enhance your skills and practical applications on group work?
What specific skills are needed to facilitate your proposed group? Do you possess those skills? If not, how will you obtain those specific skills?
What major potential problems do you anticipate you will encounter facilitating your group? How might you deal with this challenge?
What are some ways to combine research and practice to enhance your skills and practical applications on group work?
Choose two theoretical perspectives that could guide your interventions for your proposed group. Explain why and give examples?
Do you plan to have an open or closed group? Will you have a time-limited group? Why or why not?
Create a group announcement for your group.
Do you plan to have a co-leader, if so, what role will they play and what credentials will they need? If no, why not?
What criteria would you use in deciding whom to include in or exclude from your group?
Discuss the purpose of a screening tool.
Create a screening tool that you would use in deciding whom to include or exclude from your group.
What are your thoughts about the role of homework during the initial stage of a group?
What kind of homework do you see as being particularly valuable?
Discuss the purpose of group expectations.
Create group expectations for your group.
What specific things would you want to teach members about how to confront one another in appropriate, responsible, and caring ways?
What are a few guidelines for effective confrontation?
Mention some research findings with implications for group practice cohesion, self-disclosure, and feedback.
Discuss the purpose of an evaluation form.
Design an evaluation form to assess members’ reactions to the group experience.
Discuss the purpose of a minor consent form.
Create a minor consent form.
Create a letter to parents/legal guardians recruiting members (minors).
Explain the purpose of a follow-up survey
Create a follow-up survey.

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