PROFESSOR INSTRUCTIONS: Describe a leader with whom you are familiar. You can ch

PROFESSOR INSTRUCTIONS: Describe a leader with whom you are familiar. You can choose an effective or an ineffective leader. Please answer the following questions in your discussion:
1. What different kinds of power does he or she use or misuse. Where is that power (or lack thereof) derived from?
2. Describe how your leader exhibits (or does not exhibit) three different leadership traits that the eText lists as important .
3. Of the different models of leaders (transformational, situational, path-goal, authentic, etc.) described in chapter 10 pf the eText, explain how would you classify this leader’s leadership style.
Please remember the initial post should be written as early in the week as possible, and the peer responses are due by Saturday evening.
Be sure to reference your eText or other research to support your response. You will be graded on how you relate the class readings to your initial post.
When you make your initial post, please fully answer the question and make substantive responses – i.e. at least 200 words that really dive into the topic and show that you’ve read in your texts and done the research to support your opinions.
Apply appropriate examples that illustrate your points – feel free to bring your work experiences into the discussion. It helps us all learn when we can relate our past work experiences to what we’re learning here in the discussions.
You must reply substantively (at least 50 words that welcome further discussion) at least twice to your classmates and/or your instructor.
All discussions and assignments required the use of APA to cite and list references. APA stands for the American Psychological Association and the guidelines that they develop for formatting and citing sources in research papers are required in many college-level classes that deal with areas of Business, Criminal Justice, and Education. Here you will find some practical information about what APA style and format are and how to use them:

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