Post #2: Response Post Instructions 1) Review the MSN Program Discussion Questio

Post #2: Response Post Instructions
1) Review the MSN Program Discussion Question Grading Rubric. (ATTACHED)
2) Read a selection of your colleagues’ initial posts. (ATTACHED )
3) Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts.
4) Analyze each component of your colleague’s initial post, based on the initial post instructions; you must address each initial post item. Determine if you would reject any information or add new information and discuss why.
Response Post Instructions (cont…)
The post requires 400 or more words, supported by at least three scholarly references. Proofreading for spelling, grammar and punctuation are needed – along with APA formatting for the references. Post your response by the due date.
Justify your rationale with the use of credible sources, as well as any professional experiences which further develop your response. Examples of credible sources include clinical practice guidelines, peer-reviewed journal articles, research studies, and professional, non-biased websites. Textbooks are not to be used as the only source of supporting information in your posts.
The MSN Program supports the use of sources published in the past 5 years as a benchmark. However, foundational works may be quite old but still worth citing when you are establishing the context for your own work. This type of source may be used, but may not be included in the number of required sources published in the past 5 years.
Please refer to the Course Expectations document for the scoring rubric for discussion posts. Refer to your APA Manual or for assistance.
Your discussions will be evaluated on content, participation, writing, and scholarly support. No more than 5% of the post’s total word count should consist of direct quotes and all work not cited should be original. Your main post must cover the points and questions as noted in the discussion directions. Your responses to the opposing question’s initial responses should enhance the discussion by posing new questions, offering new ways to consider the issues being discussed, introducing new sources of information based on research, and building on ideas shared by your classmates.
Initial Post Question (if needed)
First Visit: Mr. Smith, a 50-year-old male presents to the office for a comprehensive physical. His blood pressure reading is 162/110 mmHg, with an apical pulse rate of 79 beats/min and regular. He has a history of smoking and drinking six beers per night. He is 5’8″ and 230 lbs. Mr. Smith works as a prison guard. He is not previously diabetic but has not had a physical exam since age 25, upon discharge from the military. He has a family history of diabetes (paternal) and his mother is deceased due to ovarian cancer at age 62. He does complain of a mild headache.
Two-Week Follow-up Visit: Mr. Smith returns for his follow-up visit with a blood pressure reading of 143/92, apical pulse rate of 107 beats/minute and regular, with oral temp of 99.6°F. He now complains of a productive cough with green phlegm, feels “achy”, and has nasal congestion going on for the past 2 weeks.
Post #1: Initial Post Instructions
1) Review the MSN Program Discussion Question Grading Rubric
2) Mr. Smith’s First Visit
Describe potential cardiovascular and renal physical assessment findings for this patient.
What tests would be ordered today and why?
Provider a list of medication(s) with rationale(s) that you recommend to be started today.
Considering cardiovascular and renal standpoints, discuss what drug side effects, contraindications, or safety concerns would be important to consider.
Discuss the education that would be provided to the patient today based on his risk factors.
When would you follow up with this patient to determine a therapeutic response and why?
Discuss the cultural considerations that would be important in the management of this client.
3) Mr. Smith’s Two-Week Follow-up Visit
Discuss your expected focused respiratory assessment findings.
Provide a rationale for the respiratory medications you would start today.
Discuss pharmacologic side effects, contraindications, or safety issues that need to be considered.
What education would be provided to the patient today and why?
When would you follow up with this patient to determine therapeutic response and what would you expect to find at that follow-up visit?

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