Homework No. 4 Give your paper a title 600 words minimum for ess

Homework No. 4
Give your paper a title
600 words minimum for essay portion
Write the word count on your paper
For Part One only, write a minimum of 3 paragraphs: introduction, summaries, commentary.
Give Megan’s TED talk its own, separate paragraph.
Then write your concluding paragraph, which needs to include your reaction to the WBC, whose actions and activities are covered by the First Amendment



PART ONE – Watch the films below on the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).

America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis –Louis Theroux WBC documentary

ABC News segment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUAH50hSCUg (Links to an external site.)

Nathan Phelps clip

Megan Phelps has left the church and now gives Ted Talks. https://www.ted.com/talks/megan_phelps_roper_i_grew_up_in_the_westboro_baptist_church_here_s_why_i_left?language=en (Links to an external site.)



PART TWO – Essay portion, minimum 600 words
After watching the clips, fully summarize “America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis.” Describe the church, the founding family and church members. GIVE EXAMPLES.
Explain Louis Theroux’s purpose in documenting the WBC. How many times has Theroux filmed the WBC?
How and why did the WBC come into existence?
Who is the WBC founder, a former civil rights lawyer, and what do you think of him?
What are the WBC’s core beliefs and practices (give examples) and what do you think about these beliefs and practices?
What is the WBC’s main message?
What do you think about the WBC’s main message – do you consider it hate speech?
What do you think about the WBC’s policy of shunning those who leave the church?
Just like other political speech, the message of the WBC is protected First Amendment speech – how do you personally feel about this? What do you think of the slogans on their signs?
Who is Steve Drain? How did he become involved with the WBC? Which Drain Family member left the WBC and why?
Write a detailed summary of the TED Talk given by Megan Phelps. What are her four points? Write a response to her message, what did you think of her presentation? .



PART THREE: Religion comparison

Compare/contrast. The Westboro Baptist Church is considered by many to be a “fringe” religious organization. The same could be said for all religions until they are ‘established’ with a mass following. Discuss the beliefs of the Westboro Baptist Church as they compare to two of the religions listed below. Do this section the format shown below. DO NOT WRITE IN PARAGRAPH FORMAT HERE FOR THIS SECTION.


In two separate examples, compare/contrast the Westboro Baptist Church with two of the faiths listed below. Do one complete compare/contrast. Then do a second compare/contrast. Do not lump three religions together.

In your two separate comparisons, consider things like: Who or what do they worship? Do they share any religious doctrine/literature or not? Do members of the religious groups sing hymns or religious songs? Are regular services held, and if so, how and where are they conducted? How do they perceive the afterlife? What kinds of things are expected of the congregation? And so forth.

The similarities between religions may or may not surprise you.


You must choose ONLY from this list:
The Catholic Church
The Church of Scientology
The Mormon Church
The Christian Science Church
The Methodist Church
Evangelical Protestantism
Evangelical Christianity
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Copy this format and indicate the clear similarities and clear distinctions between the WBC and the two religions you choose :

WBC as compared with first religion of choice
3 clear similarities
Both religions…(do what?)
Both religions…(do what?)
Both religions…(do what?)
3 clear differences
The religions differ on..(what issues)
The religions differ on..(what issues)
The religions differ on..(what issues)

WBC as compared with second religion of choice
3 clear similarities
Both religions…(do what?)
Both religions…(do what?)
Both religions…(do what?)
3 clear differences
The religions differ on…(what issues)
The religions differ on…(what issues)
The religions differ on…(what issues)

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