According to Wiggins, we need to begin anew, from the premise that a testing pr

According to Wiggins, we need to begin anew, from the premise that a
testing program must address questions about the inevitable impact of
tests (and scoring methods) on students and their learning. Changes in
our concept of and practices related to testing are necessary in order
to reform education policy and practice in general.
what extent do you consider assessment — at any level — a problem?
Provide one solution that none of your classmates have mentioned?
What do you think are the most important purposes of testing: “What are tests meant to do?”
How do tests set standards as well as monitor them?
what ways should “tests be central experiences in learning”? Explain
why in a way that is different than how your classmates have explained?
How are the bell-shaped curve, grading on the curve, and tracking related to standardized testing?
Give an example of how you have used the bell curve for assessment that is different than examples used by classmates?

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